Client Jane’s Big Learning

One of my recent posts was about some of the lesson’s I’ve learned on my journey as a Coach. This post is about one big learning that a client had as a result of being coached. Her name has been changed to maintain the absolute confidentiality of coaching- a cornerstone of our Code of Ethics.

Client #1’s Big Learning:
I do indeed have the wisdom within me to make the best choices for myself
Jane had been coached for a couple of months. And she was consistently asking me for my advice. “What do YOU think I should do?” she would ask me throughout her coaching sessions. And I would look at her and say “This is not about what I think, Jane. This is about what you think. What are some of your options for your next steps?”

At the beginning of her fourth coaching session, Jane had a breakthrough. She had just described a big work relationship issue she was having and started to ask me “What do YOU..” when she stopped herself, smiled, put her hand up and said, “Wait… wait… I’m choosing to tackle this differently. I’m ready to try to come up with a solution on my own.”

And so I gave her space. I remained silent. I honored her articulated desire to come up with a possible solution. After what seemed like a long quiet space, but in reality was probably less than 60 seconds, she blurted out “I know what I can do. I’ve got the answer that’s been evading me for so long”.

And so she talked to me about this answer, and we were able to together, embrace and celebrate her progress… her movement from thinking she needed someone else to give her a solution, to her own creative self coming up with something workable.

We all have the wisdom within us to make the best choices for ourselves.
Coaching facilitates and honors that.

And it’s a wonderful thing to behold, both for the client and the Coach.

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