When Your Thoughts Are A Match To Your Desires…

Ever wonder why even though you’ve been focussing and praying and wishing for a specific something to happen, it doesn’t seem to show up? Could be because you are focussed on the not having of what you are wanting, rather than the wanting of it.  Confusing?  In my coaching practice, I often find opportunities to…

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Listening To Your Intuition

Let me tell you about Jane. As with all my stories, I’ve changed the name and type of work identified.  Jane hired a career coach partly because she lost her job as a digital marketing manager with a big company, due to corporate re-structuring.  Jane was not too upset when she got the news, because…

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Mind/Body Connection Revisited

When I first began writing a blog the first piece I wrote was about the Mind/Body connection. I told a short story (true) about the colonoscopy I had recently had.  That was several years ago.  And don’t worry- I’m not going to tell that story again! But the mind/body connection continues to keep my attention.…

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