About Coach Wendy
Wendy Jones, based in Atlantic Canada, has been coaching since 2007. She earned her ACC (Associate Certified Coach) credentials with the ICF in 2007 and her PCC (Professional Certified Coach) credentials in 2013.
She coaches working professionals in PEI, NS, NB, NL and the rest of Canada and the US, to improve their communication skills, leadership abilities and style and helps them as they figure out how to be happier and more fulfilled in their working lives. She’s also an accomplished interview preparation coach.
Wendy has also earned her CMC (Certified Mentor Coach), working with individuals who are seeking to obtain or renew their own ICF credential.
She’s known for her intuition and compassion. She’s successful in helping her clients gain increased self-confidence, deepen their self -awareness, create momentum and develop action plans to achieve the results they desire.
Her coaching practice has been her main focus since 2010 having spent many years prior to that as a Manager of Communications for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Wendy is a founding member of the International Coach Federation’s Atlantic Chapter (ICF Atlantic), since 2011, was the Nova Scotia representative for 5 years, President Elect, President for a double, two-year term and completed her term as Past- President in May of 2018. She rejoined the Board as a member at large in September, 2023.